onsdag 29. september 2010

And we're off!

(For the sake of the people who don't know norwegian, I'll write this and future posts in La langue anglaise)

Post # 1! I'm currently sitting in my hotel room in Amsterdam (see picture below). I was a bit late booking my tickets, and thus I have to spend one night in Holland.. You snooze, you lose eh?

I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow afternoon. There I will attend a japanese language school for half a year, hopefully picking up some of the language. I will stay with a host family that runs a traditional japanese candy shop, hopefully not putting on too much weight.

I'm feeling both nervous and excited since I'm travelling alone and I don't really know what will meet me once I arrive. But that is what you will eventually learn through this blog (given that I'm not too lazy...).

I will end todays post with a fact or trivia about Japan, and the same for future posts. So introducing: Todays interesting Japanese fact!:

While I'm not in Japan yet, I have acquired quite the amount of Yen!

Filthy rich right...? No, actually one of those thousand notes is no more than 70 norwegian kroner, just enough to buy yourself a lunch.. But it still feels good.. :P

Next time in Japan people,

PS: Hvis du lese dette å tenke "Lasse, e du heilt brød eller? Skriv på norsk!" Så kan eg kanskje prøva å lage ein norsk oppsummering. Ellers så kan du lera deg engelsk...

PSS: I know the camera is crappy, I'll buy a new one soon!

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